Sunday, January 12, 2014

Don’t Fall into the Too Long, Didn’t Read Pile

We know this is when many of you are catching up on your weekend reading. You’re probably distracted by the NFL playoffs or having some fun on the slopes, at the pool, in the mall or at the museum. But we know you can’t help yourself from staying connected to the grid. You’re still doing your best to absorb the endless flood of information you feel you to process in order to keep pace with the rest of your world.

Here’s our advice: Stay connected, but be selective.

The great thing about today’s technology is that you can keep track of your messages, workflow, calendar, project plans and contacts just about anytime, anywhere on any device. The bad thing about today’s technology is that YOU’RE EXPECTED to keep track of your messages, workflow, calendar, project plans and contacts anytime, anywhere on any device.

Here’s another conundrum about the modern professional’s life. With today’s technology, anyone with an Internet connection can be a publisher or broadcast network with a worldwide audience. The BAD THING about today’s technology is that anyone with an Internet connection can be a publisher or broadcast network with a worldwide audience.

“There's too much noise, too much poorly written, overly written, defensively written and generally useless stuff cluttering your life,” futurist and blogger, Seth Godin posted this week. As a result, he said we have too much TLDR --"too long; didn't read."

As most of our clients know, you can’t be a thought influencer unless you share your insights regularly with a TARGETED audience that you’ve carefully built over your career. You respect them and they trust you. They’ll forgive the occasional typo, grammatical error or broken link. What they won’t forgive is anything that isn’t relevant, or get to the point ASAP. Sell your content we always say, but make sure you deliver what you’re promising in the headline and the subject line. And for goodness sake, respect how busy your followers are.

That’s why we’re such sticklers for Key Takeaways at the top of each story, post, article or video you create. Our blog has more as well as the FREE Resources page of our website.


There are many very smart, insightful people out there who are worth following….and worth having as followers. Why not be one of them? True thought leaders are consistent, disciplined and concise. They deliver on what they promise and return favors done unto to them. This hasn’t changed much over the past 2,000 years. We just have better, faster and more powerful tools for doing so.

Tags: Seth Godin, thought leadership, TLDR; tl;dr, importance of being relevant


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