Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Combining Video and Articles for Greater Impact with Clients

Most research and media buzz suggests that video is the killer app for business and professional thought leadership. So throw away your pencils, pens and keyboard? Not so fast. What we’re finding here I the real world is that video can be a great complement to your website, articles, blogs, newsletter and white papers—not a replacement for them. Several of our clients are seeing an uptick in video views when they include text-based summaries of the videos adjacent to, or beneath, the player. And they’re also seeing more engagement time on their websites when a thought leadership article or blog posts links to a video for more information and explanation.

Real world case studies

Here’s an article about innovation that we did for a client that works with hundreds of North American trade associations and professional societies.  And here’s the video companion to the article that shows outtakes from experts who were interviewed in the article and also references links to the full article at the end. Here’s how we help another client, a wealth management firm, produce two combined text and video blog posts each week.

The pros about video

Video is definitely cool and can be effective for moving prospects through the purchase consideration funnel. According to the Animoto Online and Mobile Video Study released earlier this month, nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of prospects are more likely to purchase a product or service if they can watch a video explaining it beforehand. According to research by Susan Weinschenk, Ph.D. we are also drawn to video because there is a brain function that hardwires us to use the human face as a gathering point for information and believability. Also, Weinschenk’s research says that voice conveys rich information, that emotions are contagious and that movement grabs our attention.

The cons about video

But, video also takes more time to prepare than dashing off a written piece. If it’s not done well, it can be far more damaging to your reputation, especially in today’s viral media age. Many firms spend a great deal of time so on video capture (and script), but they underestimate the importance of good lighting and high quality audio, which pretty much kills your chances of engagement. Also, some of your “stream averse” prospects may be hesitant to launch your video player since they’re so used to having their browsers co-opted by mandatory pre-roll commercials on the popular websites they visit. Finally, it’s harder in video form to do key takeaways or summary bullet points than it is in written form. Scanning or summarizing a video isn’t easy and that can be a killer for today’s time-pressed professionals.

Finally, video takes practice. Some folks, no matter how many books, speeches or lectures they’ve written about their area of expertise, will tense up when they’re on camera. You need to budget for multiple “takes” when shooting and for “expert” responses that may be briefer and less detailed than you’re accustomed to.


Like so many other things in life, it’s not a matter or either/or, it’s more a matter of either AND or. There’s a time, place and customer segment for each tool in your marketing arsenal.  Embrace the choice and take the time to do it right whether you’re streaming, writing, posting or speaking. You’ll be glad you did.

Our blog has more, as does the FREE Resources page of our website.

Tags: video vs. text, Animoto, Susan Weinschenk


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