I’m not highly religious, but I try to attend synagogue during
the Jewish “high” holidays of Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew New Year) and Yom Kippur
(Day of Atonement). It’s a combination of guilt, lifelong habit and trying to
set a good example for my half-Jewish sons that drives me to show up every
Do I enjoy attending services? Not really. Even though our temple is architecturally
striking and the choir is first-rate, the timing of the Holidays always seems inconvenient.
While my schedule blows apart in the secular world, time slows to a crawl in
the sanctuary as we await instructions to rise-chant-sit-rise again-chant-and-sit,
half a dozen times over a two-hour period before more lengthy passages of
Hebrew ensue.
My watch seems frozen in time. The clouds filling the overhead skylights seem not
to move. And it always feels like two pages backward for every page forward as
we slog our way through the prayer brook (in the Hebrew tradition of right to
left). How could time move so slowly in this fast paced world?
As is probably the case in your house of worship, cell phones and mobile
devices are forbidden. My sons, like most of the congregants under the age of
80 start to get physically ill as they Jones for a little hit of electronic stimulation
to make the time pass. Like most congregants, they don’t want to miss a
critical tweet, post or text from the rest of the “gentile” world that’s
enjoying a day off from school or a slow day at work.
But I’ve grown to like the technology deprivation tank most
people call the synagogue. First of all, it’s the only time of the year in
which I don’t feel like I’m racing the clock 24/7, feeling hopelessly behind
schedule. It’s also great to go 120 straight minutes without having to react to
a message, make a decision or put out a fire. I do some of my best thinking in
the sanctuary, too. It may not be about my faith, or atoning for my sins or
communicating better with the spouse and family….but some pretty good ideas
have come out of my High Holiday sits. For
more on this topic see our recent post I
Do My Best Thinking in a (MRI) Tube.
Finally the Shofar blasts. The congregation sings Adon Olam, we shake hands with those in
neighboring seats and we’re “released” from the temple. I have
a renewed sense of energy and fulfillment. I wish I could attribute it to
reconnecting with my faith and the inspiring chants and life lessons. Truth be
told, it’s more about getting the battery recharged.
I sense I’m not the only one who feels that way. Our rabbi is a superb orator
with a keen sense of humor and timing. He knows most of us are not regulars at
the temple and he often finds a way to connect with us. Last week, while we
were anticipating a moving sermon about the state of Israel, tensions in the
Middle East or how to our young people more involved in the temple he threw us
a curve ball and talked about the tyranny of technology. He also told us about the
annual National Unplug Day
in early March which is all about slowing down our lives in an increasingly
unplugged world and taking a Sabbath from the wired world.
Rabbi proudly wears an Apple watch, but he showed us how
technology has blurred the line between work and family time. Technology has
unchained us from our desks and cubicles, so we can get work down anywhere we
happen to be any time of the day. By the same token, it has OBLIGATED us to get
work done 24/7/365 wherever we happen to be at any time of the day. There are
no more boundaries between work and family life the rabbi lamented and he also
said that thanks to technology, our communication with each other has become
too superficial. Electronic communication is more convenient, sure, but us the
rabbi pointed out—sending a quick text or email, takes a lot less effort and
emotional commitment than making a phone call, writing a litter or heaven
forbid, seeing each other face-to-face.
We want to meet you in person
To that end, we’re doing our best to meet each and every one of your in person,
and we had some great meals and meetings over the best month with clients in
the Bay Area, Boston, Portland Maine and New York City. Next step is Denver.
Yom Kippur starts tomorrow night. Most years I do try to fast for 24 hours (with
moderate success) but I’ve been experimenting with a 24 hour technology fast
every weekend since last fall—usually from mid-day Saturday to mid-day Sunday.
I recommend you try it some time, regardless of your faith.
Have a great week and a wonderful new year. Get unplugged, call
your mother and start living life.
Tyranny of technology, Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, best thinking in unlikely